Bank Of America Loan Modification — A Simple Five Steps To Approval!
Have you been worried or even just concerned about meeting a high monthly mortgage payment? Perhaps you have been pondering negotiating for a better deal, such as a Bank of America loan modification period. This nationwide lending bank is now offering loan workarounds to some of its borrowers. You can improve your chances of getting the loan modification deal. If you meet certain approval requirements, you can lower your mortgage payment. Before you apply, you need to know about these Five Steps to Approval.
1.Study the Bank of America loan modification approval guidelines. To qualify for a loan workaround program, you must meet specific disposable income and debt to income ratios.
2.Collect all necessary documentation for the bank. A bank officer will review your documents to decide whether you qualify for a Bank of America loan modification. Be sure that you have everything before you apply, in order to avoid any possibility of delay or even denial of your application.
3.A Hardship Letter is an essential part of your document package. You must present convincing, compelling evidence that you have experienced or will suffer from a financial hardship due to your current mortgage payment. There are three essential elements in a Hardship Letter — be sure that you know what they are.
4.Take time to prepare, accurately and properly, the Bank of America loan modification application forms. Everything you state is subject to verification, and so you must include all important information, truthfully, to ensure that your loan workaround is given the maximum possible consideration for approval.
5.Be persistent. Eight weeks is not uncommon for processing time of your Bank of America loan modification application. So be patient as well! Even if you are declined the first time, do not give up. Many homeowners were able to get an initial rejection of their application overturned by being diligent, tenacious, focused, and persistent in their pursuit of an affordable mortgage. Your home is at stake, and a successful application allows you to keep your home.
By studying the guidelines; being diligent, complete and truthful in your application; and persisting in your qualification process, a Bank of America loan modification may well be yours. Take the time and invest the energy in doing the application properly, by understanding the bank’s approval guidelines. Ask any necessary questions for proper completion of the paperwork. Get the help you need and keep your home, as homeowners across the country continue to do. You too can do it!