Finance & Invesment

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Wide Spread Loan Modification Abuse Avoid Becoming a Victim

With so many people facing foreclosure today, thousands of loan modification companies have emerged offering a financial lifeline. Unfortunately, most demand big upfront fees, are not sufficiently educated in the industry to actually help, and may hurt by wasting valuable time and effort, or many companies (about 75%) are in the business to scam people. As stated by Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan–If you are struggling to make your mortgage payments, or if you are facing foreclosure, stay away from anyone who says that they will save your home for money upfront-.


Loss Mitigation Specialist C. Thompson Sr (Nationwide Assistance, Clermont, FLA), has determined several tale tale signs of scamming by these companies:

Charges a huge upfront fee- the purpose of the fee is to contact the lender to ask for a loan modification. But, if turned down, only half the fee or none of the fee is returned. In these cases, there should be a money back guarantee.

Will not explain the purpose of the fee- all services should be explained and all questions answered.

Is not interested in your circumstances- may not have your best interest at heart.

Does not stop the foreclosure proceedings during the negotiation.

Will accept the first proposal from the lender, which may not suit your circumstances.

A virtual company-no real office- may not be a real company.

Too good to be true- promises a fantastic interest rate or/and an exact principle reduction amount, without consulting the lender. No promises can be made without negtiating with the lender.

No approval process-An approval process should be the first step in the modification process, before a fee is paid. The process should not include credit qualification, and approval should not be made on the first phone call.

Not a member of the Better Business Bureau.-they are not a leader in the industry.

Fortunately, you can avoid these scams. There are other avenues to pursue if you need assistance with your urgent mortgage problems. Consider a non-profit agency that will assist you without charging a fee, or a real estate licensee and an attorney who will work and allow payment after the work is completed. You can also obtain free advice and consultation for your refinance, loan modification and foreclosure needs through several government agencies:

Hope NOW –


California Department of Real Estate –

Making Home Affordable-

The information presented above applies to home refinancing and loan modification abuse. However, if you are seriously looking to improve your finances in general, visit to find out more.

Great Investment Tips For The Current Recession

With many headwinds threatening to send the US back into a recession, many smart investors are focusing their portfolios on only the income generating stocks and commodities (especially precious metals) that still have room to run.

Many astute economists now admit that the hangover from the financial crisis is still playing out and while many people are panicking and losing money there are many areas of growth out there at the moment. Investors just need to look past all the doom and gloom that is out there and being written in the papers and economic journals.

The 7 best ways to protect yourself from the coming economic troubles include:

1) Focus your efforts on High quality businesses and stocks that have A-Type balance sheets and strong yields.

2) Stocks that only provide reliable dividends and have a proven track record in a weak economic environment.

3) Choosing stocks and bonds that show low debt to equities ratios and high liquid asset ratios currently. This is really companies with good balance sheets and no heavy debts lingering from the financial crisis.

4) Choosing the hard assets such as oil and gas royalties, and similar real estate investments with a long term focus on various income streams.

5) Choosing sectors and companies that have high variable costs, and low risk entries such as utilities, consumers staples and especially health care services.

6) Choosing areas such as high growth potential in the Alternative / Clean energy sectors. Or also sectors that are not heavily reliant on bullish equities markets and volatile market swings.

7) Subscribe to the free trends alert with all the latest and greatest tips for investing in a poor economy at with regular updates from some of the best investing minds and forecasters in the world.

The best thing about a weak economic environment is that good opportunities stick out like a sore thumb. You just have to be on the lookout for them. Do not think that there are limited opportunities out there at the moment. There is an era of very aggressive growth coming when the US recovers from this credit crisis hangover. The best time to ride the coat tails of this booming period is before it happens. That time is right now, when everything is cheap and flat lining.

The best bet is to never put all your eggs in one basket. There are always opportunities out there, and no one ever made lots of money but not diversifying. Investment diversification will be your friend in the next few years at the US and economic situation start to get better.

One Sure Way To Find A Reliable Loan Modification,

Eventually you may need to pick a loan modification specialist. This can be very difficult if you don’t know what to do. One way to find a specialist is to do a little investigating, ask a few friends for advice, or consult some professionals who work in this area. Here are some guidelines.

One sure way to find a reliable loan modification specialist or modification firm is to ask people who have used the services of such professionals in the past. Personal recommendations might not give you many names. You may need to explore other avenues of finding help. There are other means of finding a loan modification specialist. Ask your local real estate broker. Due to the very nature of their business, they will know lawyers who have had experience with the procedures involved in foreclosure, financial disasters, and loan modifications.

A simple call to your local state bar association can assist you in finding a lawyer who has experience dealing with situations similar to your own. You might not be comfortable letting your lending institution know how difficult things are for you. However, a talk with the bank manager about your situation may also result in a recommendation.

A foreclosure attorney is another source of finding a loan modification specialist. Due to the nature of their business, these lawyers have dealt with loan modifications while representing their clients. They might be reluctant to offer a name, but you won’t know until you ask.

After you have done the research and found some possible loan modification specialists, narrow your list to three choices. Call the attorney or firm and ask if they would be willing to negotiate a loan modification on your behalf. Don’t jump right in to the process and start giving out personal information right away; take some time to get to know who you are hiring. Even then, never give out your mortgage ID number, driver’s license number, social security number or credit card numbers over the telephone

Why Dub Chrome Rims Are A Popular Modification

Don’t you just hate the fact that modern cars all look virtually identical even though different manufacturers have built them. The reason for this is the way in which vehicles are now designed using computers rather than with an artistic approach. Fortunately, if you want to have a car that is simply unique in its overall appearance, there are various modifications you can have done. A good example would be to fit a set of rims, which adds a greater style and individuality. To be able to stop traffic and turn heads wherever you go you should check out the latest Dubs rims that are available.
A set of Dub rims can instantly make your car stand apart. It adds a personal touch which is not present in most of the vehicles we seen on the roads. Any modifications will require an investment to a certain degree and rims are no different. At the end of the day it will add value to your vehicle, and the respect that is given by other drivers cannot be had through other means.
What model is your car? Whichever it is, there is every chance that each year there are possibly hundred of thousands of units sold. Even on your street there may be an identical motor with the same paint job.
Dub custom rims are created with a top quality finish. The stock rims fitted on your vehicle, if there are any, would not have undergone such a thorough design and manufacturing process. These tires and rims are built to last; they will resist rust for many years if maintained correctly. This is an important consideration if you are to invest a few hundred bucks.
No matter what size wheels are on your car, you will be able to choose a set of Dub rims that give the perfect look. They’re available in a diverse range of shapes, styles and designs. You can easily go for a themed look, for example you may be after an urban feel or a chunky tough looking option.
Our cars are more than just vehicles; they are a way of expressing our personalities. We all jump to opinions about the owners of particular cars. By modifying yours you will be able to express your personality more effectively. Any image can be created through a set of custom rims.
It is important to understand the difference between chrome and alloy rims so that you can create the look you want. Chrome rims are obviously the loudest and most expensive choice. They will need an extra level of care to ensure they are constantly gleaming. If your car gets dirty after every drive then a set of alloy rims may be better. These do not show up dirt as easily and require less maintenance.

Make Wise Investment Decision By Investing Money In Mutual Funds

In India, although a number of investment instruments are available which provide safe investment opportunities, Mutual fund is considered as one of the best instruments which help in capital appreciation and saving investors from gyrations of the market. For over the past few decades, stock market has shown tremendous growth and for accumulating substantial wealth, it is the need of the hour to include stock in the investment portfolio. By investing in mutual funds, one can actively accumulate huge capital within stipulated time period. Being regulated by SEBI, mutual fund is a company which pools money of numerous investors in various stocks, short and long term money market instruments, bonds and other securities.

An Overview about Mutual Funds

An investor can choose from plethora of mutual fund’s schemes depending upon his needs and requirements as different funds offer different benefits and even costs and expenses structure also varies from fund to fund. With the passage of time, the popularity of mutual funds has increased significantly. It is a fact that even small investors are able to invest in these financial instruments at a reasonable cost and for a longer period of time. Equity funds, fixed income funds, balanced funds are three types of categories in which mutual funds are divided.

On the behalf of the shareholders, mutual fund is professionally and efficiently managed by portfolio managers, who with their expertise knowledge diversify the money over various securities. For reaping the desired monetary benefits of the investments, it is necessary to avail the erudite services of portfolio managers. They keep a track of your investment requirements and give them desired shape by recommending investment alternative which is best suited for an individual.

Avail Advisory Services Online

By searching on the internet, one can find numerous websites that provides personal financial advisory services to an investor. By availing these services, even a novice investor can make wise decisions, depending upon individual investment’s requirements as these websites offer feasible suggestions backed by strong financial analysis. Business giant like network18 is an apt source through which an individual can acquire the investment advisory services or suggestions and fulfill his investment objectives. It is not wrong to say that there is no better alternative for minimizing risk and maximizing returns, then to invest in mutual funds. Therefore, multiply your money manifold by investing money in these instruments.

Jobs Opportunities In Financial Sector

Skills for the financial sector

Employers recognize that any degree discipline will teach students skills that are vital in the financial sector, and they dont want to miss out on top graduates just because of their degree background. Degrees develop non-technical soft skills: qualities such as clear communication, the ability to analyze information, time management and good organization. Non-cognates often find that their degree subject complements their work in finance. For example, a modern language degree is helpful when talking to international clients; an arts degree is useful when report writing, and a medical background can provide insights when working in the specialist health care market.
Some non-cognates are put off from applying for finance roles because they feel that they will be at a disadvantage compared to their cognate colleagues. If you have some innumeracy, this wont be the case. Training schemes are designed to give all graduates a comprehensive knowledge necessary to do their work, regardless of their degree. Large employers typically provide ongoing training to ensure youre up to scratch.
Some areas of finance will require you to complete a professional qualification. Here again provisions are made for non-cognates, as the professional association will teach you the basics, while exempting cognate graduates from these courses.

Career in Financial Sector

A career in finance or Finance Job involves a whole range of functions, such as determining the impact of decisions that are made in nearly all-functional areas on the financial front. A Finance Job includes administering portfolios and formulating personal financial plans for investors, supervising banking operations, evaluating and suggesting companys capital budgets and strengthening bank relationships.
Finance Jobs generally do not necessarily require a bachelors degree in commerce or a closely related field. Sometimes it is possible to work your way up in finance career from an entry-level position, but higher positions usually require some further study.

How To Gauge The Volatility Of A Stock Market Investment

Do Your Research
You can find a great deal of information in the stock tables of your local newspaper, or your favorite financial industry publication. Those stock tables contain a wealth of information you can use to gauge the volatility of a stock market investment. Turn to the stock table in your favorite financial publication. Locate the 52-week high and low for each stock you plan to invest in.

Compare the 52-week high for the stock to the 52-week low. The difference between the 52-week high and the low is a good indicator of how volatile the stock has been over the last year, and how volatile it is likely to be in the future.

Contact the Company
Contact the investor relations department at each company and request a copy of the annual report. Some companies publish these reports online, so you might be able to find past annual reports on the company’s website. If not, check the website and find the contact information for the investor relations department.

Review the price history of the stock as shown in the annual report. A wide spread between the annual highs and lows for the stock is an indication of a highly volatile stock. A company whose share price has been more consistent has shown far less volatility.

Practice on Paper
Create a paper portfolio and track your stocks over a period of several months. List each stock on a separate line and list the daily or weekly price in each column. Tracking the stock price over time will give you a good indication of how volatile the stock is.

While nothing can totally eliminate the inherent volatility of investing in the stock market, there are a number of strategies you can use to reduce the risks of the stock market and increase your odds of finding a winning investment.

Premium Finance – Create Wealth And Retire Early

Hello, this is Lynette, a Relationship Manager from Premium Finance. I had the most delightful clients in the other day who wanted to go into an investment with their son and daughter -in-law, the motivation being that the son wanted to create wealth and retire early, not like Mum & Dad who were still working in their late fifties.They offered their home as security which was a lovely and generous offer however they didn’t understand the ramifications of doing this. The wanted to borrow the money from the bank in all their names and have a 25% share each in the investment.
The first issue I found was that Mum & Dad had very little superannuation and actually needed much more assistance then the young couple. If the four clients had of went ahead with their plans without seeking advise they would have held each other back in their attempt to create wealth. A bank will take the stand that even though the debt is in 4 names, they take it that each individual actually is responsible for 100% of the repayments on that debt. It is like the other 3 parties don’t exist. This would have resulted in all parties being liable for the debt and as a result each individual would have struggled on their income to obtain any more borrowings from the bank for future investment. This meant that they would have had only the one investment which would not have created the wealth they were seeking. The solution to the problem was that Mum & Dad did assist their son into an investment but in his and his wife’s name only. Mum & Dad also went into their own investment and are on target to do another investment in 6 months thus increasing their asset position and provide an income in retirement. Getting the right loan structure can be vitally important sometimes especially in this case and getting professional advise is a very wise move. Remember the Bank is not your friend and doesn’t have your best interests in mind – WE DO THOUGH !

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