Secrets of Offshore Banking
This is an introduction to offshore banking and incorporation a world that you may or may not be familiar with. There are many countries that are considered to be tax havens of one sort or the other. Each jurisdiction has its own reasons in extending a warm welcome to non residents. The aim of this article is to introduce to offshore banking and give you an idea of the benefits of going offshore.
Offshore banking makes many people think of money laundering and many other illegal activities. However, most illegal activity happens onshore. Newspaper headlines are the main reason for these misconceptions. Legal activities are not headlines, so few reporters write about the above-board side of offshore finance.
Proof that using offshore banking and companies are not illegal is the large number of known international trading and finance companies that have an offshore presence. Some countries tax you on a global revenue basis. If you are a resident or a citizen of such a country it would be crime for you not to declare your offshore holdings. Declaration does not mean taxation. Consult with your tax lawyer to find out the latest legislation on this.
Is there really a secret to successful offshore banking? Yes, there is and it is very simple. -Knowledge- is the secret key.
To set up your offshore infrastructure, it is necessary to start by exploring the low tax and asset protection opportunities that are offered in various countries. These can range from low tax to 0 taxes, tax treaties, special corporate structures, free zones etc-. Studying the aforementioned will allow you to put together a complete offshore solution.
There is no one size fits all packaged solution. Every business is unique. Everyone who wants to establish an offshore banking presence must take into consideration the countries that he will be doing business with to obtain the maximum benefit of going offshore.
What are the most common benefits to going offshore?
– Tough bank secrecy and privacy laws
– Fewer restrictions on financial transactions
– Low taxation or 0 taxation
– Asset protection
Even the United States and Canada can be tax havens. Though this is only promoted usually for non-citizens and non residents.
As you can see from the above, you have multiple reasons for wanting to explore all the possibilities that an offshore incorporation linked to an offshore bank account will give you. No matter which aspects of the offshore world you choose to use you will find the find that there are many benefits.
For more information about Offshore Banking please visit where you will quickly and easily find valuable offshore incorporation and banking resources to get started immediately.