Entrepreneurial Readiness- Its Not Just Financial

Preparing yourself to become an entrepreneur means becoming a whole person. This means preparing yourself spiritually to be an entrepreneur as well as financially and mentally. Youre not going to be able to operate a business unless youre a whole person, and you cant be a whole person unless youre spiritual. And this means being […]

Preparing yourself to become an entrepreneur means becoming a whole person. This means preparing yourself spiritually to be an entrepreneur as well as financially and mentally.

Youre not going to be able to operate a business unless youre a whole person, and you cant be a whole person unless youre spiritual. And this means being spiritual according to your own definition of the word.

One definition of spirituality is a sensitivity to, or concern with, non-material values, as distinguished from material concerns. Perhaps you consider yourself spiritual in this sense.

Or, maybe you feel that worshiping and believing in a higher power makes you a spiritual person. Just as the definition of success is different for each person, so is the meaning of being spiritual but it is something that will help all of us on our journey.

For me, being spiritual means having a living, loving relationship with God the heavenly Father, in with, and through His Son, Jesus Christ, by way of the power of the Holy Spirit. It is the essence of this spiritual relationship which helps me find my whole self.

When youre a whole person, your business will click, and you will click. If you arent a whole person if you ignore your spiritual dimension both your business and your personal life will be incomplete.

Preparing yourself socially to be an entrepreneur means understanding how your business fits into the larger context of your life. You have to remember that you have family and friends, and have to keep them informed of your plans and goals, and involve them in your business decisions.

When the people around you have bought into what you want to do, youll receive strength and support from them, which will speed you to your success.

Social preparation also means understanding that there is a social side to business. Make it a point to get involved in at least one business organization in your area. Whether you join the Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, the Lions Club or some other type of business organization, you will experience social growth, a well as the having the means to participate in many good networking opportunities.

Getting collected is a natural outgrowth of getting comfortable. Once you have made all your preparations and have actually started doing business, its your approach thats going to define your business.

If youve already gotten comfortable with an ever changing business, youll be able to remain collected and professional, calm and self-possessed as an entrepreneur.

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