Trade & Franchise

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Subway Franchise Review – One Footlong At A Time

The first Subway franchise was born in 1974 even though founder Fred DeLuca opened his first store 9 years earlier. Today there are currently over 29,000 Subway franchises spanning the globe in over 85 countries. Entrepreneur magazine has ranked Subway the number one franchise 13 out of the last 17 years, so its a rock-solid franchise.

Even with its amazing popularity and tremendous track record, the real question is deciding whether or not owning a Subway franchise is the right choice for you and your family. There’s a ton of things you should consider when making this big of a choice, so let’s identify what the positives and negatives are.

First of all, the total cost of entry and the total investment to get started ranges anywhere from $101,000 to $285,000. The reason for the big discrepancy depends on whether you’re buying an existing franchise or you’re having to build one or start one from the ground up. Other costs may include remodeling, leasing equipment, inventory, etc. Typically, the down payment that’s required must come from your personal liquid assets and can NOT be borrowed or come from a loan. That fact right there might eliminate some potential franchise owners.

Every Subway franchise pays a royalty fee to the company, specifically 8% of their overall gross sales. This is very important to understand because losing 8% right off the top before you pay for any rent, equipment, inventory, marketing, employees, etc can make a difference in whether or not you’re profitable. On the other hand, in exchange for the royalties the franchisee’s are rewarded with a strong brand recognition and national advertising campaigns.

As far as sales are concerned, 2800 sandwiches and salads are sold every 60 seconds. This provides a pretty constant flow of customers and expected sales. Potential franchise owners feel comfortable with this knowing that their stores most likely will not be empty. Besides, people have to eat somewhere, right?

On the flip side, you are at the mercy of your store location when owning a Subway franchise. No matter if you are open 24 hours, a location can only serve so many customers and can only make so much money. Obviously the product can not be sold online or in other areas, so actually getting traffic to the store is the only way to make sales. In this regard, the Subway franchise is NOT scalable. An entrepreneur would probably have to own multiple locations to really generate the kind of income they would be looking for in owning a franchise.

Furthermore, to buy a franchise, you must have good credit, have considerable net worth and you have to be approved by the company. Once again, this could potentially eliminate more prospective franchise buyers. In the end, owning a Subway franchise is a solid way to have a great chance of success but keep in mind that to really make it big, you’ll probably have to own about 10 or more.

Star Wars An Epic In Space Opera Franchise

Star wars can be said as an epic in space opera franchise conceived initially by George Lucas. Star wars was released on May 25, 1977 under 20th Century Fox banner and soon became popular worldwide. Star wars films has generated a total of $4.3 billion box office revenue, making it the third-highest grossing film series. The franchise has also spawned other media starting from television series, books, comic books and video games resulting in the development of the series fictional universe.

The events developed in the star wars media take place in a fictional universe. The expanded universe and the alien creatures are depicted. Space travel is a very common thing that can be seen in the entire series. One of the most prominent element of the star wars is the Force, a form of energy that is omnipresent and can be harnessed by those who have ability to do so. The force allows the user to perform certain things that are supernatural and also amplify certain physical traits such as speed and reflexes. It is also looked as the dark side, when pursued, imbues the user with hatred and aggression leading to violence.

The series features many elements like Jedi knights, princesses and witches which are usually related to archetypes of the fantasy genre. The series feature sleek and futuristic settings, portrayed as dirty and grimy. In the early stages the concept of star wars was rejected but later the 13-page treatment written by Lucas lead to the remake of Akira Kurosawas The Hidden Fortress. Later on certain elements were added to the treatment such as the Sith, the Death Star, and a young boy as the protagonist named Annikin Starkiller, who later on became Lukes father, a wise Jedi knight. Here the force was introduced as a supernatural power.

The film became more satisfying as a self-contained film, ending with the destruction of the Empire by way of destroying the Death Star. With the success of the Star Wars, the film was elaborated as a series creating an independent film making centre. The term expanded universe is widely used and explained well in Star Wars. George Lucas retains artistic control over the Star Wars universe. The elements of the Expanded Universe has been well adopted in the film. To date, six films and three animation series have been produced for the television, with a live action series and a 3D-CGI animated series as well as Full length theatrical movie. In addition to the trilogies, several authorized films have also been produced. The Star Wars saga has also inspired many fans to create their own apocrypha set in the Star Wars galaxy.

Kfc Franchise – What You Need To Know

A KFC franchise is just part of the umbrella of the Yum Brands empire. Yum Brands is the largest restaurant franchise system in the world. KFC franchises are located in over 80 countries worldwide and have sister franchises like Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, Long John Silvers and A&W.

There are quite a few advantages of being part of the Yum Brands family however, owning a KFC franchise may not be right for you.

First and foremost, any potential franchisee must be prepared to own more than one franchise. Therefore, if you want to open a KFC, you’re also most likely going to need to open another franchise in the same location. That’s why you see so many groups of fast food stores in the same location. A good idea would be to consider owning multiple franchises on multiple sites.

Yum Brands has quite a reputation for having ambitious business owners as their franchise owners. To be considered on their “good list”, you’re going to have to own at least three KFC franchises. In fact, ambitious franchise owners will get help from Yum Brands on building up their franchises.

The upfront cost to get into a KFC franchise is why so many people do not qualify for this particular franchise. Go ahead and plan on spending 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 to start up your KFC franchise and partner brand franchise. Furthermore, your net worth has to be above 1 million and you have to have liquid assets of at least $360,000. On top of that, you must have experience in the food service industry or least your partner must have that experience.

Plan on spending at least a year going through the whole process from start to finish. If you qualify based on their requirements, you will meet with the Yum Brands leadership to see if the relationship would be a good one for both parties involved. Then there would be the work finding a site and all that other fun stuff.

Bottom line is owning a KFC franchise can be very profitable and a very solid investment even if you can qualify for the high demands of buying a KFC franchise.

Warehousing Winnipeg Important Backup For Any Trade

Warehousing Winnipeg refers to the activities involving storage of goods on a large scale in a systematic and orderly manner and making them available conveniently when required. It also means storing goods in huge quantity from the time of their purchase or production till their actual use or sale.

Warehousing Winnipeg is of great importance to businesses for a number of reasons. Seasonal production and seasonal demand of goods is one of the main reasons of warehousing Canada. Agricultural products need proper storage because they are harvested during certain seasons but are consumed through out the year. Therefore they must be stored in safe place from where they can be supplied when required. Some goods like woolen clothes or umbrellas are required only during specific seasons but the production of these products take place all through out the year to meet the seasonal demand. Therefore, there is a need to store these goods in a warehouse to make them available at the time of need.

Warehousing Winnipeg becomes a prime necessity for the manufacturers when they produce goods in huge quantity to enjoy the benefits of large-scale production which is more economical. Manufacturers are always in need of space where they can store their finished products to meet the future demands of their customers. To meet the requirement of continuous production in factories, manufacturers are always in need of adequate raw materials. So, they need proper warehousing Canada to keep sufficient quantity of stock of raw materials available to ensure continuous production.

Business communities derive a lot of benefit from warehousing Winnipeg. It provides necessary facilities to business men for storing their goods when they are not required for sale. It minimizes losses from breakage, deterioration in quality, spoilage etc. These days, warehouses adopt latest technologies to ensure that there are no losses, as far as possible. Modern warehouses make use of all latest mechanical appliances to handle the goods. These appliances ensure that all heavy and bulky are loaded and unloaded easily without causing any harm to delicate and heavy goods. Storing seasonal goods in warehouses ensure regular flow of goods throughout the year. They are generally located at convenient location near different transport facilities. This also reduces the cost of transportation of goods. Due to the above quoted reasons, it is right to say that warehousing Winnipeg is one of the most important auxiliaries to trade.

If you want to know more about warehousing Winnipeg or warehousing Canada, please visit

Forex Trade Management Software The Professional Solution

Forex trade management software is becoming a vital tool for people looking to seriously trade the currency markets. While there are now a few different applications available that will help with managing your trades, these can vary greatly from a simple spreadsheet to a more detailed and comprehensive solution. So it’s worth investigating what options are available for forex trade management software to ensure that you get something which will really maximizing your trading experience and build your skills. In particular you should look for software that will log, manage, and track your trades while also facilitating risk management strategies and performance analysis. Better quality solutions will also have advanced features such as screenshot uploads, news announcement features, integration with other platforms, price feeds, and professional trading tools.

Forex trade management software is essentially a tool to manage your trades from conception until completion. Managing your trades effectively means clearly seeing the rationale behind a trade decision and then following it through until the position is closed in accordance with your specific trading plan. Trade management becomes particularly important as the number of your trades increases. At any one point in time you may have a large number of open positions to consider. These trades may be based on varying strategies and also have different timeframes or currency pairs.

While a trader usually has a clear idea about why he entered a trade, and the specific goal or target for it, this can easily be forgotten or ignored when you have multiple open positions that may extend over differing periods. It is easy to lose track of your trades and your overall goals. A person’s ability to master effective trade management is what separates them from being a novice to being a successful long-term trader.

Forex trade management software is a resource used by professional traders to enable them to invest with structure and confidence. It allows a trader to address the following:

Determine and utilize a set of rules, based on a specific trading plan, before entering into a trade. This can be used as a checklist to assist decision making and later position reviews.

Record the particular reasons behind a position and the anticipated result or timeframe. It can also keep notes on the type of trade, charts used, and profit goals.

Flexibility to analyze and then potentially adjust stops and relevant targets. This may also lead to
splitting a trade and taking partial profits or losses.

It is important to undertake regular review and analysis of your trading performance. This will facilitate better long-term decision making and increased confidence.

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