Enlarge your entrepreneur focus and make visualizations an important part of your new daily routine. Entrepreneur success comes from having a vision, a clear mental picture of exactly what it is that you intend to realize. You have to be able to see it in your mind before you can achieve it. Imagine the outcome that you want, always focus on what you want and not the one you don’t want.
Visualise with perfect focus. Don’t just think and picture what you want in a unclear way, form the details, the feel, the colour. The more details you can place on it the clearer you will see it and the more real it becomes to you in your mind’s eye. It is without doubt one of the key critical success factors for entrepreneur success.
Most people if they would like success will generalize much too much. If you would like to have what is called success then you have to be very exact as to what you are calling success. How will you know when you have it? What will it feel like? What will you see and be when you have it? What is your measure for success? What do you need to do to achieve it?
When you take a photo and it is out of focus that photograph will permanently be hazy and out of focus. The same applies to your visualizations. When you visualise something and fail to put the details in it, it will at all times be a hazy idea without any clarity. Give your brain precise mental pictures of what you would like and your imagination will respond accordingly.
It is not about living in a dream world, it is making mental pictures of your desired outcomes. The bolder you make your images, giving them colour and making them real to you, then the more powerful you will feel towards them. Whatever you can think and believe you will be able to accomplish.
Condition yourself to expect your entrepreneur success. Almost all of the limitations that we place on ourselves are the effect of our self images. However we see ourselves, we live our life, so by changing your images you start the process of changing your self beliefs and your expectations.
Success is a habit, it is the result of developing an attitude. Attitudes are simply habits in the mind. Create your success habit in your mind, spend a few minutes each day and develop your mental picture. It is a critical success factor for your entrepreneur success.