How To Handle A Bank Robbery

Unfortunately, bank robberies are all too common in the United States. Reports estimate that a bank is robbed roughly once an hour. Luckily, due to new banking practices, bank robberies don’t net nearly as much now as they did in years past, which can deter would-be criminals from targeting banks. However, it’s a good a […]

Unfortunately, bank robberies are all too common in the United States. Reports estimate that a bank is robbed roughly once an hour. Luckily, due to new banking practices, bank robberies don’t net nearly as much now as they did in years past, which can deter would-be criminals from targeting banks. However, it’s a good a idea to know what steps to take if you are caught in the middle of a bank robbery. All banks train their employees on how to deal with a bank robbery, but you, as a customer of the bank, should also know what to do should the occasion arise.

First, know that no banks carry as much money as they have in years past. They don’t keep vaults full of money like the banks pictured in movies, because it is simply not safe. In theory, that should make them less of a target. However, the time might come where you are caught in the middle of a bank robbery. First, don’t panic. Remember that your money is insured, so the only thing to worry about in the situation is your safety. Remember that the ultimate goal is to get the criminal out of the bank, so letting him have what he wants, as well as allowing the bank employees to do their jobs by enacting their protocol for robberies, is important. Remember that banks have safeguards put in place, like bank bags, that only one or two employees can access. This money may be safe by simply not having anyone in house to access it.

As for your job, do your best to look at the bank robber and try and remember his physical description, what he or she is wearing, their height and weight, as well as any other defining physical features. You might also be able to spot the type of car he or she is driving as well as a license plate. These things will all help when the police arrive at the crime scene. In most cases, the bank employees will comply with the bank robber for the safety of their customers and it is imperative that you do the same.
If going into banks makes you wary, take advantage of the outdoor banking kiosks available for you. You can even make cash and coin deposits at any time during the day or night using a zippered bank bag and a night deposit slot found on the outside of the building. All of these transactions can be done from the safety of your car and save you the hassle of going inside the actual building.

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