Author name: nangpooh

Are You Being A Resourceful Manager and Entrepreneur

Information is much easier to gain access to nowadays because of the continual advances in technology that are going on day after day. The expansion and swiftness of the Internet is a central example of how technology has revolutionized over time. The Internet is proving to be the most suitable and resourceful place to find information and expand your business.

So why do so many people still fall short to achieve results?

Anthony Robbins is one individual who provides a ton of valuable knowledge (hence the reason he is very successful). He says that the reason why so many people fail is because of the excuses they create. He calls them limited resources. These limited resources (excuses) owned by the majority of people consist of:
Not enough money
Not enough time
Lack of personnel
Not the right technology
Not knowing how to plan or inadequate planning
Lack of quality leadership

The mass majority of business owners blame their failures on a lack of resources. But let’s look at some of the most successful entrepreneurs and leaders:
Bill Gates: Bought MS-DOS for $50k and sold it to IBM for over $50m
Richard Branson: Billionaire entrepreneur. Started a student magazine and selling music he liked in his garage – creator of Virgin)
Steve Jobs: Co-founder of Apple
Oprah Winfrey: Unfavourable circumstances during early childhood – Now a role model and inspiration to countless people especially African Americans simultaneously hosting her own talk show)
Lance Armstrong: Won the Tour de France 7 years in a row after beating testicular cancer
Mark Zuckerberg: Co-founder of Facebook. Originally designed as a network so only college students could interact, share photos and videos. Now it is a worldwide phenomenon

They used their characteristics, positive attitudes, past experiences, took action and have now created much more resources. There is an abundance in available resources waiting for us all to make use of. Successful entrepreneurs and leaders do not believe in limited resources.

It is no one else’s fault if you are letting your emotions, your mindset, and your stance prevent you from taking action. It’s your responsibility to be successful. Your life has an incredible calling. It’s time for you to wake up and capture the opportunity. Rather than worrying or complaining about information overload, how about think about how lucky you are to have all this information and knowledge right in front of you? The majority of people in the planet have no chance of achieving what you can because they have no Internet access!

Being an entrepreneur is the VEHICLE for which you create financial freedom and to “drive” anywhere you please to do anything you want. You either face the challenges or run away back to the drone known as the rat race.

You are the leader you’ve been looking for.

Why do you need a US Bank Account to make money online

Having a US Bank Account is one of the most crucial tools a non-US resident could need to be able to make money online. Next we can see various uses of a US Bank account.

A verified Paypal account There is no news that Paypal is a splendid way to sell online. You can verify your Paypal account without problems using your bank account. You can also take out your income with your US Bank account a lot easier that regular methods.

The same apply to similar systems like 2Checkout or Moneybookers.

Selling Products or Services eBay users spend more than 30 million dollar every day. And US market is calculated to spend more than US$300 billons by 2010 in online retail orders.

You can use your US Bank Account to accept direct deposits or as a ways to withdraw your online payments.

And remember, as your clients pay in US dollars you can make extra profit for the money exchange value. However this depends on the country and your local currency.

Make profits with Google Adsense If you want to make money without the hassle of selling or customer service Google Adsense is a excellent method to do this.

You can set up a blog or web site about any fascinating subject. Post news and articles and then insert some Adsense Ads.

Everytime a user go to see your site and click on an ad, you will make some money.

Normally the process of taking the earned money in your hands can be very long and risky. Though you can simple link your US bank account to your Adsense account and every month Google will send you money directly to your bank with no transfer costs.

It’s a excellent idea to create sites about passionate themes and English is always a better language as the ads will pay more for click. This is a splendid way to create passive earnings.

Making Money as an Affiliate Internet affiliates can make a lot of money. Rosalind Gardner, Ewen Chia, Matt Glandfield are some of the non US affiliates that have accessed the million dollar with this type of business.

In simple words an affiliate sends traffic to a merchant web site and earns commissions when this visitor make an order.

Generally the merchant send the earned commission via checks, unless you have a Paypal or US bank account.

Starting as an affiliate is not tricky. You can look at products to promote on Clickbank or sign up as an affiliate in less than 15 minutes.

Depending on the country, having a US Bank account could be the only solution for some online entrepreneurs to make a sustainable online business.

There are various ways to open a US Bank account as a non-US residents, but it’s always the best to keep you up to date and recognize the best ways to complete the process. You can consult free or paid information and services online to achieve this or a local provider if you don’t want to do it yourself.

Warehousing Winnipeg Important Backup For Any Trade

Warehousing Winnipeg refers to the activities involving storage of goods on a large scale in a systematic and orderly manner and making them available conveniently when required. It also means storing goods in huge quantity from the time of their purchase or production till their actual use or sale.

Warehousing Winnipeg is of great importance to businesses for a number of reasons. Seasonal production and seasonal demand of goods is one of the main reasons of warehousing Canada. Agricultural products need proper storage because they are harvested during certain seasons but are consumed through out the year. Therefore they must be stored in safe place from where they can be supplied when required. Some goods like woolen clothes or umbrellas are required only during specific seasons but the production of these products take place all through out the year to meet the seasonal demand. Therefore, there is a need to store these goods in a warehouse to make them available at the time of need.

Warehousing Winnipeg becomes a prime necessity for the manufacturers when they produce goods in huge quantity to enjoy the benefits of large-scale production which is more economical. Manufacturers are always in need of space where they can store their finished products to meet the future demands of their customers. To meet the requirement of continuous production in factories, manufacturers are always in need of adequate raw materials. So, they need proper warehousing Canada to keep sufficient quantity of stock of raw materials available to ensure continuous production.

Business communities derive a lot of benefit from warehousing Winnipeg. It provides necessary facilities to business men for storing their goods when they are not required for sale. It minimizes losses from breakage, deterioration in quality, spoilage etc. These days, warehouses adopt latest technologies to ensure that there are no losses, as far as possible. Modern warehouses make use of all latest mechanical appliances to handle the goods. These appliances ensure that all heavy and bulky are loaded and unloaded easily without causing any harm to delicate and heavy goods. Storing seasonal goods in warehouses ensure regular flow of goods throughout the year. They are generally located at convenient location near different transport facilities. This also reduces the cost of transportation of goods. Due to the above quoted reasons, it is right to say that warehousing Winnipeg is one of the most important auxiliaries to trade.

If you want to know more about warehousing Winnipeg or warehousing Canada, please visit

Heaps of inactive money, a curse to the society

Cyber crime is not something what we hear occasionally these days. Cyber crimes are increasing everyday in different parts of the globe.

Especially from certain parts of Nigeria and Amsterdam the amount of bad men involved in this computer crime activates are found to be abundant. They claim to possess hefty money and gold under their custody in security companies and would well want to get them released through you, due to their miserable plight at present. The story is made in such a splendid way that one would seriously appreciate the ways they have made their requests and proposals.

Moreover you will find a standard address of the security company, logo with papers and documents and credentials about the consignment in stake, everything else is produced in front of you. They give reliable telephone numbers to contact as well. All these fool proof evidences suggest that people certainly take risks to a certain extent in greed of availing some free money as part of the deal or commission. Lot of people have fallen victim to such a sort of Nigerian mail frauds in the recent past.

Drug courts are separately there intended to reduced the drug crimes and cut down the drug traffic. But how far they have done their part effectively is a challenging question. Amway is there in the market for almost 52 years. Their main way of progression is through the pyramid schemes, the multi level marketing plans. But same concept is wrongly utilized by thousands of companies all around the globe. Passing clouds gone past swindling enough amount of money. White collar crimes are no less as so many bank frauds have a strong correlation with them. Wire fraud and welfare fraud are not to be considered easy as well.

They swipe of huge amounts of money in no time. Wire frauds are to the tunes of billions and no less that that. 2G spectrum wire fraud is a good example for that. Where all these money do goes. The amount of money that lays idle in the Switzerland banks is something that is a curse to the whole mankind. There is no utility for this huge sum of money. Fundamental laws of finance and economics say that the real value for money just lies in its exchange.

Whereas in contrary to that when money is piled up like this in few particular destinations like this, without any use to anyone, there will always be a great imbalance in the society of the mankind.

Forex Trade Management Software The Professional Solution

Forex trade management software is becoming a vital tool for people looking to seriously trade the currency markets. While there are now a few different applications available that will help with managing your trades, these can vary greatly from a simple spreadsheet to a more detailed and comprehensive solution. So it’s worth investigating what options are available for forex trade management software to ensure that you get something which will really maximizing your trading experience and build your skills. In particular you should look for software that will log, manage, and track your trades while also facilitating risk management strategies and performance analysis. Better quality solutions will also have advanced features such as screenshot uploads, news announcement features, integration with other platforms, price feeds, and professional trading tools.

Forex trade management software is essentially a tool to manage your trades from conception until completion. Managing your trades effectively means clearly seeing the rationale behind a trade decision and then following it through until the position is closed in accordance with your specific trading plan. Trade management becomes particularly important as the number of your trades increases. At any one point in time you may have a large number of open positions to consider. These trades may be based on varying strategies and also have different timeframes or currency pairs.

While a trader usually has a clear idea about why he entered a trade, and the specific goal or target for it, this can easily be forgotten or ignored when you have multiple open positions that may extend over differing periods. It is easy to lose track of your trades and your overall goals. A person’s ability to master effective trade management is what separates them from being a novice to being a successful long-term trader.

Forex trade management software is a resource used by professional traders to enable them to invest with structure and confidence. It allows a trader to address the following:

Determine and utilize a set of rules, based on a specific trading plan, before entering into a trade. This can be used as a checklist to assist decision making and later position reviews.

Record the particular reasons behind a position and the anticipated result or timeframe. It can also keep notes on the type of trade, charts used, and profit goals.

Flexibility to analyze and then potentially adjust stops and relevant targets. This may also lead to
splitting a trade and taking partial profits or losses.

It is important to undertake regular review and analysis of your trading performance. This will facilitate better long-term decision making and increased confidence.

Private Banking Jobs Advantages Of Working In A Private Bank

In India, there are basically two types of banks-public and private. It is true that public banks come with their own share of merits. For instance, there are higher openings in public banks and the job is much more secure. The process of recruitment is also simple and not much challenging. Plus, it certainly gives the backward community a chance to gain recognition and status. However, private banking jobs come with their own set of advantages. More and more people these days are looking for jobs in a private bank. This is truer for the urban class and the educated community who are showing preference to jobs in private sector over jobs in public sector.

Here are some of the basic advantages that a private bank offers:
Better salary: The modern man is running after money. And its an undeniable fact that a private bank offers its employees a much better salary than a public bank. This is the chief reason why more and more people are hunting for jobs in private banks. In contrast, even though public banks give higher security, the salary is much lower. On the downside, there are very few vacancies in private banks. So, once you get a chance to sit for an exam or appear for an interview, you need to grab the opportunity with both hands and make sure that you are thoroughly prepared. Remember that more than your qualification, it is your confidence level and personality that matters.

Higher growth prospect: One of the chief complaints of people working in public banks is that they do not climb the ladder very fast. The growth prospect in a public bank is comparatively lower. On the other hand, in a private bank, a talented candidate can quickly make higher progress. Talent surely gets rewarded when you are working in a private bank. Higher wages and better positions await you there.

Fair treatment to all: Private banking jobs also do not suffer from the problem of quota system. Fair treatment and equal opportunity are proffered to every candidate. Thus, talent scores over caste distinction and this is where better candidates do not have to return disappointed.

Financial Professionals Are on the Front Lines in the Fight Against Financial Elder Abuse

A Wells Fargo financial professional recently helped to save a client from losing money in a scam targeting senior citizens. The 78-year old client thought that he won an overseas lottery. Instead, he became a victim of financial elder abuse via a typical lottery scam. The Wells Fargo professional prevented money from being sent offshore, however money from another bank was sent out. San Francisco financial elder abuse attorneys warn senior citizens that lottery scams are abundant. California elder abuse attorneys warn the public not to fall for lottery scams.

In this case, the senior citizen victim was contacted by unknown individuals claiming to be from the Costa Rican lottery. They told the senior citizen that he had won the lottery and that he could collect a $5 million payout. Then they told the senior citizen victim that there were some formalities and that they would need some personal information to verify his identity. Additionally, they told him that he needed to send money to pay off various taxes and fees associated with the money he had won. The senior citizen victim then went to one of his banks and transferred $88,000 to an offshore account. California financial elder abuse attorneys warn seniors not to transfer money overseas. San Francisco financial elder abuse attorneys say that sending money to offshore accounts is a very risky proposition.

Next, the senior citizen victim went to his Wells Fargo Bank and attempted to set up another transfer of $50,000 to an offshore account. This time the senior citizen got lucky. The Wells Fargo financial professional knew immediately that something was wrong and refused to go forward with the transfer. Since the senior citizen client was convinced that he was one transfer away from getting $5 million, there was an unpleasant exchange between the financial professional and the senior citizen. At that point, the financial advisor contacted the family of the senior and they helped convince him that it was a scam. The financial advisor helped prevent further financial elder abuse by refusing to transfer the money. San Francisco financial elder abuse attorneys say that financial professionals can play a role in the battle against financial elder abuse.

Evans Law Firm, Inc. handles elder abuse, financial elder abuse, physical elder abuse, annuity fraud, consumer fraud class actions, insurance and banking fraud cases. If you think that you have witnessed or are the victim of elder abuse, or financial fraud then contact Evans Law Firm, Inc. at 415-441-8669 for a free and confidential consultation, or email us at

Tips On How To Start An Investment Club

Investment club is formed by a group of people who pool their money for joint investments. If you are a new to investing in stock market and have limited funds, starting an investment club is a great way to learn from other investors and get hands on experience in investing.

Here are some tips to starting an investment club.

1. Make sure all members understand the risks of investing. Many people who invest think they are going to be very successful, and are not prepared to lose all of their money. Unfortunately, there are no guarantees when it comes to the stock market. No one should invest money they are not willing to lose.

2. Find the right people who share the same investment objectives and goals. It is easier to get along with right minded people and learn from each other.

3. Make sure all club members agree to the partnership agreement and any other rules.

4. Join the National Association of Investors Corporation (NAIC) that provides support, information and tools on starting an investment club and investing, and publishes a monthly investor-learning magazine.

5. All members must agree to make a monthly contribution. The typical range of contribution is $20 to $100 a month. Members who contribute more than the required contribution are allowed greater share of profits.

6. Decide on how to meet and the frequency of meetings. For the initial setting up of the club, it may be best for everyone to meet in person. If all meetings are held online, it may be good to meet in person once or twice a year for social interaction. To keep up to date, it is recommended to meet 1-2 times a month.

7. Start with a small number of people. It is easier to come to an agreement when there are fewer members. When the club is established and all formal procedures are in place, new members can be invited to join.

8. Education is the main goal of an investment club. An investment club made up of educated investors will be more successful and cohesive than an investment club which is solely focused on making a profit.

9. Every investment club must have a well-defined investment style or investment philosophy. There must be clear selection criteria such as what type of stocks to invest, the acceptable risk tolerance level and rate of return. All club members should be aware of and agree to the investment style of the club.

Starting and running an investment club is an invaluable learning experience, where you can leverage on the expertise and knowledge of other investors. Investment clubs facilitate the exchange of ideas and collective decisions that are likely to produce sustainable returns.

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